More briefings AER - Annual Equivalent Rate
Easy Access Savings Accounts
Escalator Bonds
Fixed Rate Bonds
Guaranteed Equity Bonds
Money Market Accounts and Rates
Notice Accounts
Offshore Mortgages
Introduction Although many savers are familiar with the terms commonly used to describe savings accounts, experience has shown us over the past years that others are less comfortable with the vocabulary of savings.
We feel that savers are not always aware of the options available to them, and the differences between different classes of savings products.
These savings related pages are intended therefore to offer practical pointers towards different types of account. We do not intend to recommend any particular deposit product - merely to highlight some of the differences between such savings account types.
Over time we will extend the range of deposit account types that we cover to include more complex savings products that do not appear in the savings account interest rate listings appearing elsewhere on the site.
As you will see elsewhere on the site savings interest rates change can change from day to day and the savings accounts themselves can change their names and status very quickly. We mention no deposit products by name or provider.
It is possible that we make factual errors in describing the different savings accounts, and that other factors should influence the choice of deposit account. After each item we have asked for your comments, and would very much welcome any views on the class of investment, as well as the corrections mentioned above. All comments will express the views of individual writers which we need not necessarily share!